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RE: Japanese naval shipyards

From: Nathan Pettigrew <nathanp@M...>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 10:53:26 -0800
Subject: RE: Japanese naval shipyards


I started doing some background work for Japan for the GZGPedia and then
kinda got sidetracked by real life (gettin' married, Y2k work, etc...).
I'll send you what I've come up with so far.  I'd be very interested to
your thoughts, especially since you're a lot closer to the source.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Lipsett []
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 1:42 AM
To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Re: Japanese naval shipyards

> > Do Hitachi and Mitsubishi still make the best military vessels?
> no, Royal Schelde do! :)

Now, now, remember the Yamato and the Nagato...
it sounds to me like you guys have totally failed to keep abreast of
state-of-the-art Japanese shipbuilding technology. Perhaps the fact that
those planets of theirs are still unknown to star-faring society in
general, being as they are wholly owned by private corporations... oh
rats, did I say something I shouldn't have? I mean, you guys are cleared
for this level of information, right? <don't get too excited - big  grin

Nathan Pettigrew, if you're around somewhere, would you drop me a line?

Edward Lipsett
Fukuoka, Japan

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