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Re: transport designations?

From: Michael Sarno <msarno@p...>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 10:52:55 -0500
Subject: Re: transport designations?

Thomas Pope wrote:

> On the subject of fleet ID decals, I'm thinking seriously of expanding
the sheet
> to twice the size, hopefully to fit even insane-sized fleets.
> If I've got the space, I might as well add transports and the like. 
So...  Can
> anyone tell me what good designations would be for the following?

    Here's the best I can do.  I'd favor the historically-based.

> Heavy Freighter
> Medium Freighter
> Light Freighter

    Well, historically, US ships of the following classes used these

Cargo Ships - AK
Attack Cargo Ships - AKA
Net Cargo Ships - AKN
General Stores Issue Ships - AKS
Cargo Ships and Aircraft Ferries - AKV

> Free Trader

    It's not a military designation, so why not "FT"?  It's not that
close to FFT -
Frigate (Reserve Training)

> Fleet Auxillary

Again, historically:

Crane Ship - AB
Destroyer Tenders - AD
Ammunition Ships - AE
Provision Store Ships - AF
Miscellaneous Auxiliaries - AG
Amphibious Force Command Ships - AGC
MTB Tenders - AGP
Surveying Ships - AGS
Hospital Ships - AH
Net-Laying Ships - AN
Repair Ships - AR
Battle-Damage Repair Ships - ARB
Internal Combustion Engine Repair Ships - ARG
Heavy Hull Repair Ships - ARH
Landing Craft Repair Ships - ARL
Salvage Vessels - ARS
Salvage Craft Tenders - ARS(T)
Aircraft Repair Ships (Aircraft) - ARV(A)
Aircraft Repair Ships (Engine) - ARV(E)
Submarine Tenders - AS
Submarine Rescue Vessels - ASR
Auxiliary Tugs - ATA
Fleet Ocean Tugs - ATF
Old Ocean Tugs - ATO
Rescue Tugs - ATR

> Assault Transport

Transports - AP
Attack Transports - APA
Self-Propelled Barracks Ships - APB
Coastal Transports - APc
High-Speed Transports - APD
Evacuation Transports - APH
Barracks Ships - APL
Mechanized Artillery Transport - APM
Transport Submarine - APS
Aircraft Ferries - APV

> Bulk Carrier

    If it's military, it'll probably fit one of the auxillary types
above.	If it's civilian, why not "BC"?  Or depending on size, treat
them like the
Maritime Commission types: C1, C2, C3, etc.

> Starliner

    "SL" appears to be open.


Michael Sarno
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 And yours is no less noble because no drum beats
 before you when you go out in your daily battlefields.
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