Hi, I'm back.....
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 22:34:54 +0000
Subject: Hi, I'm back.....
Hello everyone,
Just to let you know that my email probems are now sorted (for some
time, I
hope....!) and that I'm back on the list. Due to the problems I haven't
access to any of the list traffic since last Sunday, so if there has
anything of special importance or anything that needed a response from
then please send it to me personally rather than repost a lot of stuff
the list.
Please will everyone note that my old email address,
<jon@gzero.dungeon.com> is now defunct, and anything sent to it will
bounce; please use <jon@gzg.com> for everything from now on, or
<orders@gzg.com> to make product enquiries or place orders by email.
Thanks, it's nice to be back!!
Jon (GZG)