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FW: FT National crew and ship characteristics - Romanov Hegemony

From: "Nash, Colin (UK01)" <Colin.Nash@U...>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 11:03:37 -0000
Subject: FW: FT National crew and ship characteristics - Romanov Hegemony

Here's what I sent to Beth; any comments anyone?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nash, Colin (UK01) 
> Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2000 11:11 AM
> To:	''
> Subject:	FT National crew and ship characteristics - Romanov
> Beth,
> Having just returned to the list, here's my take on the Romanov
> space crews
> 1. Crew quality? Please use a 1-5 scale where 1=mostly poorly trained
> troops (either militia or green) and 5=mostly elite crews (top of the
> line,
> well trained and very experienced)
> RH  3 - Most low rankers are conscipts, NCOs are re-enlisted
> 2. Leadership quality (admirals)?
> Please use a 1-5 scale where 1=mostly bad leaders (abysmal who lack
> training/intelligence/charisma) and 5=mostly terrific leaders (well
> educated/quick thinkers/men would follow them to hell and back)
> RH  2 - The admirals are mainly appointed on a political rather than
> capability basis
> 3. General professionalism?
> Please use a 1-5 scale where 1 = vessel unlikely to accomplish unsual
> difficult tasks and 5 = pretty much do anything asked of them.
> RH  2 - Conscript crews with little cross-training would not score
> here
> 4. Vessel reliabilty? 
> Please use a 1-5 scale where 1 = board at own risk and 5 = made to
last .
> RH  4 - Very good maintenance facilities & budget means at least the
> are reliable
> 5. Ability to make the best of opportunities (say to capitalise on
> anothers
> mistake to get a shot in etc)?
> Please use a 1-5 scale where 1 = wouldn't know an opportunity they
> over it and 5 = give them an inch and they'll make it a golden mile.
> RH  2 - The generally poor quality of crew means they do not have the
> flexibility to react quickly
> I would also like to add a 6th category:-
> 6. Motivation
> A 1-5 scale where 1= If Captain dies the ship surrenders & 5 = The
> crewman would overload the FTL drive to get the enemy
> RH   4 - The Romanov crews are constantly bombarded with very
> propaganda about how much worse off they'd be under the ESU (the old
> enemy) & their allies so are very highly motivated in combat
> Let me know what you think
> Cheers
> Colin Nash
> Accounting Systems
> Bracknell
> 7725-6792

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