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RE: I need help with starting a campaign.

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 11:14:58 +1100
Subject: RE: I need help with starting a campaign.

There are several variables you need to allocate before you start.
Are the Inner Colonies going to be involved?  If so, then you'll need a
player with a reasonably powerful fleet.
If the Inner colonies aren't going to be involved, then you can generate
your own sector of space and assign your own stats to the Outer
The Outer Colonies should have between 25-60% of the homeworlds'
If the Inner colonies are supplying ships, etc, then you need to factor
travel time for reinforcements, tech upgrades etc.

The other main factor is the time scale you want to use.
1 week turns don't really allow for much in the way of shipbuilding,
1 year turns lose the tactical control for lighting strikes & assaults.
If you want production to mesh nicely with combat, you need either a
separate production turn about every 3 months, or pick an acceptable
midground.  1 month is about right, as it takes into account
of forces, resupply, extended ground campaigns etc.

If you haven't got it, check the archives on 14/12/99 for the Simple
Campaign rules, & just tailor it to a customised section of space with
the planets allocated & assigned a production status.

Neath Southern Skies -
[mkw] Admiral Peter Rollins; Task Force Zulu
[pirates] Prince Rupert Raspberry; Base Commander

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sindre Cools Berg []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 8:02 AM
> Hi
> My friends and I want to try playing a campaign game of FT.
> I have a ESU fleet myself so I'll be
> playing ESU so I'll use that further on. I've seen they controle 14
> outer colonies stars as well as the Nova Moskva (the capital I seem to
> recall ?) in the Inner Colonies. Do they have any of the other Inner
> Colonies ? What exactly is at the outer colonies systems ? How many
> planets, what kind of facilites etc.
> Sindre

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