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Re: Medtech a la Los

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 17:50:01 -0500
Subject: Re: Medtech a la Los

>Well, first of all - deep down I don't really like the idea of clone
>very much.  As I said in an earlier post, it just doesn't fit my
>"aesthetic" view of the GZG universe.	But that aside, Los raised the
>interesting point "they'd make great badguys!" - which I agree with.

Adrian and others have said they don't want to deal with this.	No
problem.  I'll add a revived Ismaili sect (possibly with Druze
elements) to my List of Things to Do.	 Since Dune had something
close enough to this, and since Herbert took a fair amount from
Arabic, we'll call them "ghola"--which is the same word, in Arabic, as
"ghoul", although it would translate as "demon" (eg the variable star
Algol, from "al-ghul", the Demon Star).

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