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RE: FT AAR - Operation Furious Riposte - 20,000 pt battle

From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@n...>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 16:20:31 -0600
Subject: RE: FT AAR - Operation Furious Riposte - 20,000 pt battle

Oerjan wrote:

> > >Nice report :-) It did confirm my opinion about the Schoon/Dean KV
> > >rules, though :-(
> >
> > Depends. Which version of the RG rules were used (there are a few
> > there)?
> The ones linkes from Indy's page; RG masses 2, 3 and 5 for classes 1,
> and 3 respectively. Good balance between all RGs of classes 2 and
> higher; the RG1 is 2-arc to compensate for its lower damage/Mass
> However, at a cost of 4*Mass they're a bit too cheap compared to Pulse
> torps in particular (P-torps have the same to-hit numbers and similar
> damage effects on armour and screens, but have a considerably lower
> damage/Mass ratio); 5*Mass should be OK.

When we originally debated these RailGun rules, we used the Pulse Torp
as a
base and according to my figures, per cost, the Pulse Torp still has a
slight edge when the RGs cost 4xMass.  Here is what I have for an

Dmg/Cost	Mass	Cost	0-6	6-12	12-18	18-24	24-30
RG1		2	8	0.139	0.111	0.083	0.056	0.028
RG2		3	12	0.208	0.167	0.125	0.083	0.042
RG3		5	20	0.208	0.167	0.125	0.083	0.042
RG4		7	28	0.218	0.175	0.131	0.087	0.044
Pulse Torp	4	12	0.243	0.194	0.146	0.097	0.049

If anyone wants to see the original debate on the RGs and the KV
to the FB, check out the list archives for 1998, the last week in
and the first week in December.

Looking back of what was createded, I like the idea of Integrated Armour
like the KV had in MT.	I know Oerjan and others do not, and think that
should just have more hull boxes. Personally I don't think the KV should
both the IA and the extra hull boxes but this was a small group effort
and I
pushed other things so I had to give in on this point.

On a side note, I have revised some of the Fleet Book Reserves designs
posted on Star Ranger's page after feedback from the list and Oerjan,
and I
finally finished updating all of the ship status displays, now I just
to change the web pages.  So maybe tonight I will get the NAC designs up
revise all of the rest, I'll let you after it is done.

Dean Gundberg

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