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Re: Nanotech will solve everything...

From: "Magic" <rmako@c...>
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 06:54:33 -0500
Subject: Re: Nanotech will solve everything...


Quite the contrary the nano-research is going very well.  Though Eric
Drexler was a bit optimistic he has not been far off in the research
line of
this tech.  Like all science there have been slowdowns and unexpected
additions from other areas that are keeping nano research open.  Would
US Govt (a notable conservative organization) start to throw money at it
it was just waving a magic wand?

Magic (No wand waving here <G>)

----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Books <>
To: <gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2000 10:05 PM
Subject: Nanotech will solve everything...

> There is one thing that keeps coming up in the cloning discussion,
> and that't nano-technology.
> I don't see nano-tech really happening, we are already reaching the
> limits of how much information we can map into a small area due to
> physical constraints.  Much smaller and it's going to run into
> the uncertainty principle.  So, we are using nano-tech to wave our
> magic wand and boom, these little machines the size of a single cell
> know not only how every cell in the brain is made they also know how
> to put all of it together so that it matches one specific individual.
> They also have a super-duper Brain Positioning System so they know
> exactly where they are at at any moment and they know how to
> with their millions of buddies.  I just don't buy it.
> I am more likely to believe a new understanding of physics that allows
> exceeding the speed of light than I am in believing we will be
> rebuilding brains with nano-technology in the next 3K years or so.
> Roger

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