Re: Time/Space scale
From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 09:12:02 -0500
Subject: Re: Time/Space scale
From: Thomas Barclay of the Clan Barclay <>
> Hmm.... I sense a quandry.
> What kind of world would we end up in if 1G was 3 thrust? that's only
> constraint, and I think we'd also need to pick either a time scale or
> distance scale to bring meaning. But I'm not sure what would be
> appropriate.
My personal preference is to make 1 thrust = 1g. It feels right that
thrust should be close to the max a crew would want to sustain in combat
any length of time, compensators on no. As for the distance scaele,
I1"=1000km is OK, I have a few problems with it. Aesthetically, (my
taste) it makes combat ranges a bit too big for "cinematic" scale.
Pragmatically, it makes asteroid- or asteroid field centered combat
rediculous, since there's only one asteroid (Ceres) that even approaches
diameter at that scale, and only a handful at half that size in the Sol
system, not to mention the density of asteroid belts is anything but
SW:TESB or Trek show. I'd like a distance scale that would make a good
rock like Ceres 10" across - or 100 km to mu. That'd make make most
too big for a play area, but, as in several scenarios, planet surfaces
could make up one edge of a play area (with gravity effects). That may
havoc with the time scale though. My preferences for accelration and
distance may be at odds with each other.