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Re: SM battle report - "Death of the Decoys"

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 09:56:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: SM battle report - "Death of the Decoys"

On 11-Dec-99 at 18:19, Oerjan Ohlson ( wrote:
> Fought this battle today. Cinematic movement on a floating table, but
> speeds were still fairly low - my NSL opponent didn't dare flying
> faster than speed 20 with his thrust-2 ships, and I had to conform to
> his speeds to avoid overshooting him.
> Alan and Roger, I hope this report answers some of your questions
> dealing with BJs :-/

Answers a few of mine.	One question I do have, how quickly does the
FSE munch on the NSL without use of cannon fodder?  Could the NSL
made better use of their small ships by immediately closing range?

Note I'm not saying your use of the jammers was not valid, I'm just
curious because nobody here would play NSL ships because of the
slow speeds.


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