RE: [SG2] Seeking anyone with 20mm Blade Miniatures
From: bbrush@u...
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 09:59:17 -0600
Subject: RE: [SG2] Seeking anyone with 20mm Blade Miniatures
I'm surprised by this. I have a friend who does a lot of metal working
(swordsmith) and we've done some castings, and we've always had problems
a copy of a copy, unless it was a very simple model to begin with.
I would be curious to know what the person making the copy did to make
it turn
out better than the original. At a guess I would say he probably used
a) better
mold material than the original, b) better material for the casting,
and c)
maybe enhanced the detail of the original before making the mold.
Regardless, what I said was from a general standpoint, and as you've
mentioned, there are always exceptions.
"Tim Jones" <> on 12/03/1999 09:54:49 AM
Please respond to gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
cc: (bcc: Bill Brush/NET/UNL/UNEBR)
Subject RE: [SG2] Seeking anyone with 20mm Blade
: Miniatures
>Generally speaking a mold made from a casting doesn't produce
>very good castings itself.
I don't agree I have seen copies better (some originals can be badly
or as good as the originals - you can't tell them apart. It actually
amazed me they were so good as I was expecting detail challenged
as you suggest.
I concluded that copy quality generally depends on the skill of the
caster and the equipment and materials used.
Its the legality/ethics of it that may stop you not the quality.