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Re: OT Query: Starship Troopers- MIA???

From: "What else is on this list of things you're not supposed to tell me?" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 09:59:21 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: OT Query: Starship Troopers- MIA???

>It's on WB here in my area. WB=warner Brothers. There should be a WB
>affilliated station in your area, then hopefully your WB also carries
BKN in he
>Scott Case wrote:
>> >Guys I am taping it. I have three tapes full at this point. The
porblem is
>> >this.
>> >It comes on every day Mon-Fri
>> >Los
>> Excellent Los- but what network is it on??????

Anyone in the B'more region can watch it by tuning into Fox45. I just
discovered this friday (almost never watch local stations anymore since
got cable oh so long ago...not that I get to watch that much, either :-/

M 'tv: big dust-collector' k
Only the bravest try where eagles and angels dare to fly

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