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Re: [FT] PBeM

From: Do not pass when solid yellow line is on your side of the road <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 09:39:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [FT] PBeM

I'm only now catching up on SOME of my hideous backlog of email.  :-/

[PBeM firing solutions for computer-moderated games]
>Comments? Suggestions?  (I'm casting out the suggestion line again here
;) )

The PBeM games I've run (and subsequently played in) have allowed
to specify 'closest target of such-and-such a size within a given range
bracket'. This allowed for the ability to nail the battlecruiser that
13 mu away over the corvette who was 3 mu away if the firing ship

Also, I have run games that have used the 'standard' fire rotation
of Full Thrust and games that have used a 'simultaneous fire' sequence.
is some difference to the end results of each, but no less the drama. 

Note: all the games I've run, and I believe most if not all the games
played in have been human-moderated games. Little easier to issue
more vague orders that stand a chance of getting interpretted how you
they will, since the 'computer' you're supplying the orders to is
'programmed'.  :)

For what it's worth (you did ask for comments/suggestions ;).

All that is gold does not glitter,
     all those who wander are not lost.

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