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Re: OT Query: Starship Troopers- MIA???

From: Do not pass when solid yellow line is on your side of the road <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 10:49:04 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: OT Query: Starship Troopers- MIA???

>>Los, you are my hero. :)
>>Not only do you write great stories (Rot Hafen rocks), not only are
you a
>>person who has "been there, done that", not only that but... you can
work a
>>Truly, a genius. :)
>Thanks, I don't know if this is true or not, but I remember seeing
>something to the point that half of all real NASA rocket Scientists
>know how to program their VCRs. Prolly BS but it make s apoint.

Actually it has some basis. Many professional astronomers couldn't
point out the constellations for you, much less know which con-
stellation is which ("Big Dipper? I'm more interested in LTT 5721
at coords 14 29 42 by -62 40 46!"*)

* - bonus points for anyone who can name that star  ;-)

   o/		      ..     .
  /@		       .  .	      If you insist on reaching for a
  <|\			  .  )	      star, be prepared to take a long,
   |		     /\ 	      hard fall.
   |		    //
   /		 o //*		      Indy - climber, astronomer,
  /		<%- /|\ 	      supreme. Have rope, will travel.
 /		/\ / | \

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