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Re: Free Orange Republic Ships

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 20:15:07 +0100
Subject: Re: Free Orange Republic Ships

Aaron wrote in reply to Nik:

> > The Carriers in question have already
> >dumped all armour, screens, weapons, PDS, and have moved to 
> >fragile hull,
> >moved up to thrust 6, and increased their fighter complement by
close > > to 100% (17 groups on the CVA)
> Good grief!  What happens when the other player's fighters go after
it, or
> a fast DD squadron?  Seems like a very vulerable target.

I think the idea is that with 17 fighter squadrons and a bunch of
escorts between you and the enemy, and a thrust rating of 6 to run away
with, you're not supposed to be shot at :-)

> >>My opponents rapidly learned to spread their salvoes even >against
> >>Beijing/BEs
> >
> >Many of MY opponents use MT missiles that don't hit nearest ship but

> >are guided in.
> And Oerjan plays in cm, not inches, so on a 6'x4' table his ships
> outrun MT missiles... and, for that matter, pre-FB fighters that only
> 12"/turn.

Well... I can't easily *outrun* MT missiles in Vector - I have to dodge
in behind them instead, and they can't turn around before they run out
of endurance. In cinematic, well... about the only time I wouldn't be
able to outrun an MT missile is when my ships have already taken engine
damage (and therefore has a thrust rating of 3 or less).

>  (In fact, he may be able to outrun the 24"/turn FB fighters, but
> I'm not sure about that.)

Those secondary moves make it tricky, particularly if the opponents use
Fast FB fighters (primary move 36 mu/turn) <g> We have adopted a
"remora move" to remove the "fighters left behind" problem, though  -
same movement rules as for a fighter screen, only the fighters form up
around an enemy ship they attacked last turn.

> Moving at speeds like that changes the game fairly dramatically. 

Particularly in Cinematic :-/

> And using cms, you can move pretty fast even in
> vector, though turning to line up another attack is mildly
problematic. ^_-

Even in a head-on clash the fleets tend to be in range of one another
for 2-3 turns... quite often that's enough to decide the battle .-/ Of
course, high thrust ratings also help <G>

Best wishes,

Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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