From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 15:57:56 +0100
Subject: RE: [FT] PBeM
> My initial plan was to have each weapon list targets in
>order of preference,
>(with 'closest' being a valid target). Then the targets are
>assigned based
>on how many firecons the ship has. However - this is a bit of
>a coding muddle.
My targeting screen would be something like this
List of active firable weapons in a list, only those weapons
that can bear on a target are in the list and that have
firecontrol available should they need it.
click on the weapon - list of possible targets appear
you should be able to sort the target list by various
attributes which appear in the list. The attributes can be
anything range, threat factor, size...
selecting a target allocates the weapon to that target and
whatever firecontrol is required, this then effects the list
of weapons displaying only those weapons that can be targeted.
To retarget a weapon you select it and deselect its target this
frees up the firecontrol for another weapon or allows the weapon to
be re-targeted. The weapons list shows the weapon is targeted and
what the target is.
Special case for multiple weapons targeted on same target. Once you
run out of available firecons, only active effective weapons that can
share a firecon are displayed. Their targets lists contain only valid
in range and arc and already targeted by a shareable firecon.
The basic idea is that the user only ever gets valid choices in the list
or targets and weapons.
-= tim jones =-