[FT] Dereks OU (was UN SDN stuff)
From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:50:18 +1000
Subject: [FT] Dereks OU (was UN SDN stuff)
G'day guys,
Derek has been hammering away at this stuff for a while and thought it
about time it saw the light of day in general. He knows a few of you
guys have put some long hours into your OU stuff and isn't trying to get
your nose, its just that he thought the figs were cool and got inspired
>From: "Tom McCarthy" <tmcarth@fox.nstn.ca>
>Subject: Re: [FT] Sol SDN-X (3rd proposal)
>In general, I agree with Brian. However, I would probably avoid >going
Class-4 batteries. Leave that to the ESU; instead
Oops I'm in trouble now, my OU 'Oceania' Dreadnought has 4 class 4-beam
For those interested
Oceania class DREADNOUGHT.
TMF: 160
NPV: 548
Classification: Dreadnought
Displacement: 16000 Tonnes
[MASS Factor 160]
Hull Type: Average
[Hull Integrity 48]
Crew: 140 Personal
[Crew Factor 7]
Armament: 4 Class 4 batteries (2 arcs each, facing
4 MT missiles.
Defences: 4 Point defence systems
Level 1 screen
Sensor suite: Standard sensors
2 Fire-control systems
1 Area Defence Control System
Drive systems: Main drive rating 4
FTL (Jump) Drive.
First entered service: xxxxx
Currently in OUDF Naval service: 4
Lost in action: Nil
Decomissioned/scrapped: Nil
Relegated to reserve fleet: Nil
Sold to other forces: Nil
Under construction: 4
Procurement cost: 5480 MUcr
The Oceania class Dreadnought or Battledreadnought depending on whose
definition you subscribe is typical of the design concept of the new
construction program for the OUDF navy. Designed to fight at range the
Navy has opted to give the Oceania class an array of four class 4 beam
batteries supported by MT missiles. As with almost all designs of the
construction program the Oceania is equipped with a large PDS suite and
ADFC system.
While on operations the main task of the Oceania class will be to keep
enemy away from the new carriers, which are not designed close range
The latest unit to have completed construction, the OUS Brisbane has
been deployed to the fleet and is the 4th unit of the 10th
the other units being the first three units of the class, the OUS
OUS Australia, and OUS New Zealand. The Battlesquadron it self is
homeported at Fleetbase XXXXXXX in the BD +35° 2270 star system.
A further four of the class is currently under construction.
Oceania completed xxxxxx.
Australia completed xxxxxx.
New Zealand completed xxxxxx.
Brisbane completed xxxxxx.
Adelaide under construction.
Canberra under construction.
Perth under construction.
Hobart under construction.
Moresby Name not used yet
Suva Name not used yet
Darwin Name not used yet
Wellington Name not used yet
Of course this is just my take on the OU Navy (part of a larger document
I'm working on).
The OUDF Navy is the space going arm of the Oceanic Union
Defence Forces,
it is a professional volunteer force whose primary role is maintain the
security of the systems and territories which make up the Oceanic Union.
Because the Oceanic Union is a Multi system interstellar nation the OUDF
Navy has had to fully develop the capabilities required of a deep space
navy, capable of extended operations though not at the same force levels
say the NAC or ESU.
New construction program.
Since it's inception the OUDF Navy has mostly either brought or
under license foreign designs modified for use within the OUDF
roles. But with the outbreak of the 3rd Solar War in 2165 the government
the day committed the Oceanic Union to further developing its domestic
naval construction program. Analysts had suggested that the outbreak of
hostilities between the NAC and the ESU and their immediate allies would
tie up naval construction programs for the foreseeable future. With the
OUDF already looking to replace their battleships the first of which was
approaching the end of its service life and was due for replacement a
solution was required.
Previous defence reviews had recommended improving the Oceanic Union's
building capability but this had never been acted upon. Since expanding
into space the OU has managed to stay out any major armed conflict,
have been numerous skirmishes with neighbouring nations but never a
protracted war. But the 3rd Solar War allowed factions of the government
gain support for a stronger military supported by a larger domestic
industry, the OU had the required tech base to do this and within it's
systems it definitely had the resources.
Overall design scheme.
The premier strike arm of the OUDF Navy are the carriers and their
fighters, fighter strikes are used in concert with large numbers of
Thrust' missiles from the battleline and cruisers to destroy enemy
The battleline is used to protect the much more fragile carriers by
interposing themselves between the carriers and a potential threat.
Most of the OUDF Navy vessels have a thrust rating of 4. But there are
exceptions; the Collins class battlecruiser is one.
'More Thrust' missiles are the primary armament of the cruiser-sized
Salvo missile racks are used on the carriers and destroyer sized
The OUDF navy makes extensive use of ADFC systems on all of its vessels
help provide a formidable point defence network. OUDF navy doctrine is
vessels to remain in a small compact formation so the ADFC systems can
used to maximum advantage to protect each other and high value assets.
Of course this is a work in progress, tomorrow everything could change
that I'm saying it will mind you...). ;-)
By the way just taken delivery of the NEW OU LIGHT CARRIER from Nic at
Eureka (I've got two sitting based and undercoated ready for painting at
work desk). Similar in shape and layout to the previous OU ship
(if you haven't seen a example yet think 5th element Earth ships) with
addition of a hangar space attached as a outrigger arrangement, looks
So far that makes 3 x DD, 2 x CL, 2 x CH and now 2 x CVL hulls in my OU
Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
GPO Box 1538
Phone (03) 6232 5018 International +61 3 6232 5018
Fax (03) 6232 5199 International +61 3 6232 5199
email: beth.fulton@marine.csiro.au