Re: Starship deck plans, first draft
From: Thomas Pope <tpope@c...>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 10:04:53 -0400
Subject: Re: Starship deck plans, first draft
Steven M Goode wrote:
> You could model them as a bunch of ball-mounted small tubes scattered
> around the perimeter of the ship. Basically, get a small (1 cm?)
> sphere, drill a hole through it, slice off a bit of the sphere at one
> end of the hole, and insert a tube (brass or aluminum or something
> the art store) into the hole. Then mount the flat side of the sphere
> (where you cut off the small bit) on the ship's side. That way, you'd
> get 360 degree coverage without sacrificing space in the ship.
I like that idea better than simply adding turrets where none exist, but
I'm not
sure I'd like the look on these ships. I almost like the idea of having
weapons implied rather than modeled specifically. Among other things,
it makes
the ships look sleeker.
Still, it might be worth a try.
Thomas Pope
Human Computer Interaction Institute
Carnegie Mellon University