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Re: A question of scale

From: bbrush@r...
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 10:14:58 -0500
Subject: Re: A question of scale

Actually if you're going with resin, you could cast the walls and floors
in open
face moulds and then sandwich them together for the finished wall.  The
could also be done that way.  Doing it this way you could also make it
modular so that you could use your scoutship modules as part of your
and avoid a repetition of effort.

Now doing a multi-level ship could be loads of fun.  :-)

Just trying to "help".	:-)


Thomas Pope <> on 10/20/1999 10:03:57 AM

Please respond to gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
  To:	       gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU			      
  cc:	       (bcc: Bill Brush/InfSys/Revenue) 	      
  Subject      Re: A question of scale			      
  :						 wrote:
> Has anyone ever mentioned you may have too much time one your hands? 

Wait until I actually _start_ the project before accusing me of that
sin.  Idle thoughts are cheap, actually doign something about them is
the real problem.  :-)

> Sounds like a cool idea, but the time commitment would be enormous. 
> luck

Thanks.  Actually, if I do take on such a project, I migth start with a
scoutship first.  It would be good practice, and maybe I coudl start
making some reusable parts to cast in resin...	Hmmm, ideas filling my
brain as we speak...


Thomas Pope
Human Computer Interaction Institute
Carnegie Mellon University

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