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Re: The GZG Digest V1 #507

From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 01:16:03 -0400
Subject: Re: The GZG Digest V1 #507

>> > NAC mixed (mostly Protestant),
>> Mostly? As the NAC has taken over the whole of Central and South 
>> America I wouldn't be surprised if Catholics outnumber Protestants in

>> the NAC. Officially there might be some successor to the Church of 
>> England or there may be no official religeon.
>D'ohh!  Forgot about the takeover of Latin America.

Just FYI, officially Canada doesn't have a state religion, but over 50%
the population is identified as Roman Catholic.

>I would guess that there is no official religion in North America.  I
>don't know about our neighbors the Canucks, but I very strongly doubt
>'Murricans would deal well with an official religion.	Not because
>aren't groups that want their religion to be the official one, but
>because there are too many groups for them to agree on a set of tenets.

I agree.  The Canadians wouldn't buy into the idea of an official state
religion, at all.  But the British do - so who knows.  Don't a bunch of
senior members of the Church of England have seats in the House of Lords
virtue of their Church office?	When the NAC is formed, with the
as the official head of state, maybe there would be some kind of
place for the Church of England in the system - but certainly there'd be
real power held by the Church.	The Americans, Canadians and South
Americans (later) wouldn't like that very much...

Adrian Johnson

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