Re: One Ring To Bind Them
From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 21:44:56 +1300
Subject: Re: One Ring To Bind Them
Tim wrote
> ... if we used a bit more structure in the site blurb like we do for
headers on the list, the filtering the sites should be easier. If we
include game system and author as fields that would be a start,
something like:
> Full Thrust Computer Core
> All the available computer accessories for the ultimate space combat
board game, in once place. Your one stop shop. [FT2 FB]
If we just change it to:
Site_Name: "Full Thrust Computer Core"
System: [FT2 FB]
Description: {
All the available computer accessories for the
ultimate space combat
board game, in once place. Your one stop shop.
then we can make it run using REBOL, and it's still readable to
humans. All the above is REBOL readable code. ^_^ Additional
descriptive terms can be easily added, and a REBOL script running on a
client (or server), can then use the 'System description to filter
sites in or out of the ring as the user requires. If no client or
server processing is available, it still can be used manually.
Andrew Martin
REBOL fan...
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