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Short demonstration games

From: colin.plummer@t...
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 12:59:42 +0100
Subject: Short demonstration games

Hi all,

  I'm thinking about running a few games of FT and the playtest FMA
rules at
a local convention (actually just the University Societys excuse to get
together and play some games once per term) to try and generate a little

  I'm not particularly experienced in playing by FB rules myself, and 
haven't had the chance to play FMA - does anyone have any ideas for
that I could run?

  As far as supplies go - I have very little scenery, but plenty of
to make cardboard templates.  I have whatever I can blag off my friends
the FMA men and a selection of 2 destroyers, 2 corvettes, 1 light
1 heavy cruiser from each nation, and a further group of scratch built
of various sizes.

  I'm sure that you won't let me down :)

Colin Plummer

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