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Re: Resin vehicles - customizing

From: bbrush@r...
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 01:07:43 -0500
Subject: Re: Resin vehicles - customizing

Well I haven't painted it yet since it just came out of the wash and is
still in
many pieces.  Actually I was at the store today and picked up some
sheets which gave me some further "customizing" ideas, so it may be a
before it's in paintable condition.  I'm actually thinking of not only
the rear door open, but also having the top hull piece removable. 
perhaps I'll have an infantry deck over the tank deployment area.

When I do get around to painting it, I'll probably paint it similar to
fleet, which means various dark greens, with maybe a camo scheme. 
Although camo
on something that dwarfs a city block might be, shall we say a trifle
ineffective?  :-)

BTW, I have also drilled out the forward fixed gun and I am replacing it
some brass tubing.  Oh and what do people think about telescoping
landing gear?
Cool or dumb?  I'm thinking something to take the shock of landing.

Bill on 09/24/99 08:39:38 PM

Please respond to gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
 To:	  gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU			      
 cc:	  (bcc: Bill Brush/InfSys/Revenue)		      
 Subject: Re: Resin vehicles - customizing		      

In a message dated 99-09-23 11:20:27 EDT, you write:

 Anyway, a friend of mine gave me one of the Super-heavy dropships from
 micro-tac range, and I've got this uncontrollable urge to make it
 To this end I have cut open the rear loading section and hinged the
 and I've cut open the hollow upper part of the hull to allow access
from the
 rear.	The tricky part is going to be hollowing the base suffiently. 

I have the same kit (it's been waiting for me to get to it for a few
I'm currious as to what paint scheme you used on yours?



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