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Re: How big is a troopship? [DS/FT/SG2] (and what it all means)

From: Ryan M Gill <monty@a...>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 21:12:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: How big is a troopship? [DS/FT/SG2] (and what it all means)

On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Brian Burger wrote:

> I've read stuff that indicates that using nukes to 'dig' spherical
> underground water reseviors was seriously considered by various
people, in
> the US and the USSR. Scary stuff - this is all from before the notion
> lingering radioactivity was around...

The russians _did_ use nukes for massive construction projects. One of 
the reasons they have such an environmental crisis on their hands. There

is a lake where the Soviets dumped waste into. No sheilding or anything.

Just raw fissables into it. It has all sorts of isotopes dissolved into 
the water. If you stand by the water for 10 minutes sans a suit, you get

a lethal dose. Not the greatest thing...

- Ryan Montieth Gill		DoD# 0780 (Smug #1) / AMA / SOHC -
-	    I speak not for CNN, nor they for me -
- -
- '85 Honda CB700S  -  '72 Honda CB750K  - '76 Chevy MonteCarlo  -

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