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Resin vehicles - customizing

From: bbrush@r...
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:21:34 -0500
Subject: Resin vehicles - customizing

Hi guys.

Ok the mad modelmaker is at it again (that would be me).  For those of
you who
don't know me, I love to tinker with models when I'm making them, if for
other reason than I have lots of fun doing it.

Anyway, a friend of mine gave me one of the Super-heavy dropships from
micro-tac range, and I've got this uncontrollable urge to make it
To this end I have cut open the rear loading section and hinged the drop
and I've cut open the hollow upper part of the hull to allow access from
rear.  The tricky part is going to be hollowing the base suffiently. 

I know resin is just basically plastic, so it's fairly soft.  My first
is to grab my router and go to town, but I don't want to a) shatter the
or b) melt the resin onto my router bit.

On my first concern I don't _think_ it will shatter because I know the
has plenty of power and speed to do the job (2 hp plunge router),
although I
will have to make damn sure the clamps are tight. :-)	The second
concern is
more of an issue, but I think if I were to take it slow enough it will
be ok.
Unfortunately the router isn't variable speed so I'm stuck at the full

Anyone got a better idea or experience doing this?

BTW, if anyone is interested I'm using a magnet out of a hard drive to
hold the
door closed.


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