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Sandcasters, was [FT] Vector...

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 20:24:33 -0700
Subject: Sandcasters, was [FT] Vector...

>We'll steal something from Traveller.	(I think it's from Traveller)

It is indeed.



>It can be mounted two ways; sand can be dumped overboard, creating a
>trail behind the ship, or it can be fired by large, low-powered
>launchers, creating sand 'clouds'.  'Sand' is placed in the movement
>phase of the turn, after writing orders, but before movement.

I'd say just stick with the launcher concept. Forget the dumping. It
up a whole can of worms about placement anyway.

>Sand is laid in 9" long, 3" wide bands if dumped overboard, and
explodes into
>a 3" diameter circle upto 12" away from the ship when launched.

I like the 3" dia concept, but I'd restrict it to 6" of the ship. (PSB)
Sand would tend to disperse too quickly otherwise.

>Sand interferes with all direct fire weapons.	Treat the target as
>one range band further away then it actually is.  If 'sand' is located
>between a detonating SML and a target ship, the die roll for attacking
>missiles is reduced by one.

I'd question this, unless you're maintaining that it interferes with the
basic targetting somehow.

>Somebody else can figure out the MASS and mechanics of the lauchers;
>I have to get back to work here.  (8-)

Not just yet. I'd like to get the effects hammered out first.


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