Re: Trouble gettin' stuff?
From: krs@g...
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 11:33:58 -0700
Subject: Re: Trouble gettin' stuff?
On 16 Sep 99, at 17:35, Ryan M Gill wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Donald Hosford wrote:
> > Do these distributors have spys everywhere? If not, how would they
> The pattern I had was I ordered some items from one of my local
> (Sword of the Pheonix) They have always been good about getting
> in. (I once ordered 14 Von Lukners, 14 Screcks and 14, Patton/Rommel
> tanks, so I'm a nice kind of customer for them...)
> They checked through several distributers and each was slow about
> filling the order. The noise they made was about not being able to get
> the stuff in. So, I sent an e-mail to the folks at GZG and got a reply
> from the owner, KR. I checked with SotP and they were taking the same
> route. The stuff was in later that week after going direct to GZG.
> The War Room has been having similar issues.
> Either, GZG is trying to do an end run around the distributors (which
> don't mind) or the distributors are being pricks (I've heard of
> doing things like this...).
We have always sold at each tier (retail, wholesale, distributor) and
have a first in, first out priority on orders. We try to treat each
customer the same, regardless of the size of the order. If we get
behind or make mistakes, we try to remedy the situation to the
best of our ability.
It has become a vast and complicated market, even more so for the
distributors who are often short-handed, especially on the supply
side. I don't see a deliberate pattern or neglect, I think that they
are overwhelmed. There is an increasing focus on what is termed
"front loaded" inventory - hot new games like Pokemon and new
releases to hot sellers, and this tends to eat up the money
available or budgeted for purchases. I find that I tend to get orders
during a lull in new releases by the big boys - c'est la vie! Add to
that the fact that product lines like the one I sell are considered
"back list" (already in release) and slow to turn over (you have to
keep some of everything because you never know when you will
have a store order it). Then of course you get the store that wants
fourteen of a single item and your stock is ten!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that instead of assessing blame, I
need to work on strategies to increase my marketshare IN SPITE
of the limitations of the current supply system. Any ideas??
KR, Geo-Hex
> > Or is it that the US distributors don't get enough orders for GZG
stuff, and
> > don't bother to order?
> I suspect the latter considering the service that GZG has seemed to
> The aforementioned "we'll pour a pack for you this week" story is
> I'd not expect GW to do anything close to this...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> - Ryan Montieth Gill DoD# 0780 (Smug #1) / AMA / SOHC -
> - I speak not for CNN, nor they for me -
> - -
> - '85 Honda CB700S - '72 Honda CB750K - '76 Chevy MonteCarlo -
> ------------------------------------------------------------------