Re: Armageddon Outfitter (was: Granaatscherven)
From: Samuel Reynolds <reynol@p...>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 17:44:02 -0600
Subject: Re: Armageddon Outfitter (was: Granaatscherven)
>> BTW: If I added SRD generation to AO, would people use it?
>SRD = SSD, i assume.
Oops. Yup--SSD. Ship status display.
>> Without having done it yet, I think it would work this way:
>> o Checkbox switches Design Summary between text and SRD.
>how about a link or button, so that you use AO as-is, then click on a
>for the SSD at the end. the current display is, i'd say, better for
>designing, and far more lightweight (if updating the SSD is slow,
>won't use it in the design phase).
Good idea. I like.
>> o Uses custom downloadable font for SRD symbols (but
>> with version 4+ browsers would not require font
>> installation).
>but not by everyone else. would this work for mac users (probably)?
>users (unlikely)?
I want to make it an "embedded" font, so anyone with a browser
that recognizes and uses such fonts (NN 4+ and IE 4+ browsers
on Mac and Windows, I think) could see it as SSD instead of
meaningless ASCII characters.
>> o By downloading and installing font, you could copy
>> and save SRD from page, and view/print it off-line.
>i'd favour constructing a GIF and sending that, but this would take cgi
>hackery, which is probably tricky and very isp-dependent.
I don't have a dynamic site, though; I can't generate
images on-the-fly. But if it's a font (Mac & Windows),
people could copy the SSD text, paste it into a word
processor, and set the font; then they could print it
out. This should work whether they are using a browser
that supports "embedded" fonts, or not.
>> I'm also thinking about what features to provide for a
>> Dirtside II Motor Pool module, for designing DSII vehicles.
>that would be cool too; someone should collect together the links for
>your proposed MP app and the SG2 power armour designer (which i've
>seen, but have heard tell of).
Actually, what you call Armageddon Outfitter is just the
first module, the Fleet Book Ship Designer. The Motor Pool
would be the second module of Armageddon Outfitter. After
all, no self-respecting arms dealership would limit itself
to one kind of vehicle!
- Sam
Samuel Reynolds
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