Prev: Re: premeasuring=holy wars Next: Re: Quick subject switch to SGII (was: Re: Vector Movement)

Re: Quick subject switch to SGII (was: Re: Vector Movement)

From: "Clear me for docking. Put away the breakables, turn on the landing lights. I'm coming in..." <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 14:43:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Quick subject switch to SGII (was: Re: Vector Movement)

>> Our big slowdown is the one newbie who is constantly going "I
>> don't know, I don't know if I should do this or this...".
>i find that the plotting and movement phases are usually the main

Ya know, thinking about it more, I realize that our/my biggest slow down
in a game is watching the die roll when I'm firing P-torps...

>as a last word, i'd add that i would support measuring ranges even in
>ancient warfare: the argument that people had no rangefinders is pure
>comedy. professional soldiers would be able to judge distance
>accurately with ease: it's a core skill.

Good point.  :)

"Now, please notify the Captain that I am here. I need to meet with him
the rest of the command staff ASAP. I...assume my usual quarters in the
are available. I've grown so attached to the place."
				       -  Bester, 'Into The Fire',
Babylon 5

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