From: David <dluff@e...>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 23:07:42 -0400
Subject: Re: SFSFW- U.S.
Having worked for the unmentioned national club I can see why we do not
need that type of organization. Maybe we could have an "colonial"
edition of the newsletter with this side of the pond. Let the UK keep
the club officers and politics.
ps: I'll try to make it to the shop, class have me going in early so I
can get some sleep Friday. Only two more to go :). howdy hoo wrote:
> Thanks to everone for their input to the SFSFW question.
> First I want to emphasis to everyone that this is just an idea at the
> and I have to iron out a lot of details.
> If you haven't checked out the website yet, go to:
> <A HREF="">The Society of
Fantasy &
> Science Fiction Warg...</A>
> My concept right now is I would buy memberships from the U.K. and
> them here. Along with this membership should come at least the
> to Ragnarok. If this is sent from England or copies reproduced here in
> U.S. needs to be determined. Anyone who wishes to submit articles can
> them to me and I'll get them to the U.K. or the can be sent direct.
> Eventually I'd like to see a U.S. edition, ideally including the U.K.
> articles. We should also have access to any models produced for the
> Hopefully I'll be able to import these to my shop in Fairfax VA.
> there will be no import or copyright issues involved.
> I'd like to avoid the whole club officer thing if possible. The
> and infighting I've seen in one particular U.S. national club leads me
> believe there's really nothing to gain from it.
> As far as standards, there really doesn't seem to be any. The goal of
> organization is to promote Fantasy and Sci-Fi, especially alternatives
> not excluding Games Workshop). The efforts of man of the members on
this list
> are actually some of the best standards and goals I can conceive of
> Mark Kotche and the GZGCon). Prehaps the purpose of a U.S. chapter is
just to
> formalize the efforts and gain some benifits from it as do U.K.
> Faron Betchley
> Fabet@AOL.COM
> Little Wars
> 11213'C' Lee Highway
> Fairfax VA 22030
> (703) 352-9222
> (703) 352-9279<fax>