Re: RPGs and Carl Gs in DSII
From: ScottSaylo@a...
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 18:35:14 EDT
Subject: Re: RPGs and Carl Gs in DSII
In a message dated 7/25/99 3:03:41 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:
<< The normal IAVR system in DSII represents the one-shot M72 style
anti-tank weapons, whereas the GMS systems represent guided missiles.
what about multi-shot "bazooka" style weapons? Some RL examples are
RPG series and the Carl Gustav. These often prove to be very useful
against light armor or hard cover, and they are certainly more powerful
than the single-shot variety. Has anyone come up with any rules to
these systems in DSII? >>
Another interesting weapon along these lines is the RAW. This is a near
bowling ball-sized rocket grenade launchable from underneath most any
rifle (if the hardware is installed) A promotional pamphlet on this
about turning the squad into an equivalent of a second world war
salovo. Nasty weapon available in HE and HEAT valieties A couple stowed
the APC or humped out one or two to the squad gives them a real
barnburner of
a bunker-cracker. These weapons need some kind of representation.