Re: FMA Combat Movement
From: ScottSaylo@a...
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 14:03:33 EDT
Subject: Re: FMA Combat Movement
In a message dated 7/20/99 11:38:09 AM EST,
<< They are the chaotic (though in an orderly
fashion... <grin>) movements of ground troops all with differing
physical fitness levels, excitement levels, and paths across variable
terrain. Random factors not only make the game more interesting, but
(to a point) they help model 'fog of war'.
I'm all for the idea that says a combat move is 0.5 * your full move
plus a dice or rolling 2 movement dice and adding. I like that better
than the multiplier, because that REALLY is variable (perhaps too much
so - really hard to predict) and because it tends towards a mean
result (with the multiple dice) while allowing a range or results.
I'm actually running SG2 games where *whenever* a die multiplier is
used we roll the dice and add them - helps give
results - makes scenario balance easier.
Good points. Individual figure "skirmish" games haveto allow for the
variabilities between members of the unit or they are NOT skirmish
Variable movement is good. I means you have that much less to count on -
entropy is at work - Murphy RULES! Chaos is your friend! Never assume
machine gunner won't fall down a well in the rush!