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Re: [OFFICIAL] FMA range thoughts....

From: Tom Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 17:46:13 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] FMA range thoughts....

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Sean Bayan Schoonmaker wrote:

> >Now, an alternative method, and one closer to what we used in
Stargunt II,
> >is to relate range bands of weapons to the firer's quality rating -
so each
> >figure has a "basic range band" equal to his/her quality die type -
eg: 6"
> >for a green, 10" for  veteran etc. Different types of weapon then use
> >MULTIPLIERS on this basic range band to represent differing inherent
> >accuracies - eg: pistols and machine-pistols might use 0.5 (pretty
> >inaccurate at anything over point-blank), assault rifles 1, heavier
or more
> >accurate weapons 2 or even 3.
> Go with this alternate method. Troop quality does have alot to do with
> effective range of aimed and "unaimed" fire. It doesn't add much in
the way
> of complexity, but contributes significantly to the realism and feel
of the
> game. The SGII correlation is a happy bonus.

all agreed. plus, you get rifles in trained hands having slightly more
respectable ranges - an aimed long-range shot could hit out to 96 yards,
or 128 yards if you adopt doubling bands. not quite the 400 m that turns
up on the battlefield, but, i would say, fine for skirmish.

furthermore, if you put proper assault rifles at 2x (where MPs are at
0.5x, and intermediate things like SMGs, AK-47s and other budget kit are
at 1x), you get ranges of 192-256 yards, which is really close enough to
'reality' [1] for most people, i shoudl think.


[1] Tom Anderson says: believe the unbelievable

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