Re: Stats for berserker
From: "Robert A. Crawford" <crawford@i...>
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 16:07:43 -0400
Subject: Re: Stats for berserker
On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 03:27:19PM -0400, Roger Books wrote:
> Anyone have stats for a berserker? This looks like it
> would work well for a solo scenario.
> (Say, Thrust 2, crossing the board to reach the planet)
Just make it big with lots of energy weapons. Ignore core
systems -- or just have a "control center" system that works like
the bridge on regular ships. Lots of armor and damage control
parties. Shields.
Here's a quick design:
Mass 720
Cost 2554
Thrust = 2
Normal FTL
Not Streamlined
Weak hull
"Crew" Factors = 36
Damage Points = 144
Armor = 40
3 x Shields
1 x Class 6 Battery, 1-arc
4 x Class 5 Battery, 3-arc
10 x Class 3 Battery, 4-arc
10 x Pulse Torpedo, 3-arc
6 x Fire Control
20 x PDS
1 x Cargo
OK, a bit over the top. Still, you get 2500 points to go
against it.
Robert Crawford