Re: [OFFICIAL] FMA playtest version question
From: Barry Cadwgan <bcadwgan@f...>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 06:00:59 +1000
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] FMA playtest version question
Scott Spieker wrote:
> Jon,
> You know of my interest in the SGII arena, and FMA skirmish will
> hauling a great deal of those GW players over to the GZG court(they
> doing just that at GenCon 98 while I was there). They [the GW
players] all
> hate the game, the rules, the prices, and they don't even know why!
> me in on the play testing as well.
I'd be interested too...
Heck, it'd be fun to 'port' it over to Flintloque... (I like the figures
and background but the rules are rather clunky!)
Barry Cadwgan ( BCADWGAN@FL.NET.AU )
"The end does not justify the means.
The end is the sum of the means,
as the road travelled determines the destination."
Valijon Starbringer (Hellflower Trilogy, Eluki bes Shahar)