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Re: FMA Skirmish question

From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 17:17:25 -0400
Subject: Re: FMA Skirmish question

>I thought about requiring a figure who receives a suppression result
>when in the open to make an additional Confidence test.  If the
>character fails the Confidence test, he must lose confidence and stay
>in the open (effectively just standing there); he can't take any
>further actions until the suppression is removed.  If the character
>passes the Confidence test, then he may (must?) make combat moves
>toward the nearest cover during his normal activation, despite the
>suppression.  He's considered to be suppressed normally once he
>reaches cover.

I'm not sure about the idea of the poor grunt standing around in the
if he fails the confidence test.  How about this:

If the character fails the confidence test and rolls under 1/2 the
target number, then he is dumb with shock and stand still - and loses
confidence as per normal

If the character fails the confidence test but rolls 1/2 or more, then
loses confidence as per normal and is required to make combat moves to
nearest cover AND MAY DO NOTHING ELSE until he can pass a confidence
IN cover.  Until he passes the confidence test in cover, he is

If the character passes the confidence test, he must make combat moves
cover, but may choose to move to tactically advantageous cover that
necessarily the nearest.  For example, if the closest cover is a bush 4"
behind him, and he is assaulting an enemy unit up ahead, but there is
another bush 7" ahead and to the left, he could run for the bush ahead,
rather than the one behind, because it is better tactically.  The
kept his head when shot at and though was unable to do anything other
run for cover, was clear thinking enough to not panic and continue his

Just a thought.

Adrian Johnson


Just drink beer.  It will all go away if you drink beer.


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