Re: Unpainted Figures
From: Fred and Evelyn Wolke <thewolkes@e...>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:15:48 -0400
Subject: Re: Unpainted Figures
>We play mostly historicals and Battle Tech and DS and SG and FT. No one
>our group plays any GW stuff except for one guy. No figure goes on the
>unpainted - period. Whether it is a brigade of Imperial Guard or Atlas
>Assault Mech. We never denigrate anyone's paint skill, but the attempt
>be made.
In one group I was in, an impatient gamer sprayed grey primer on all his
figs, then put a dab of blue paint on each shoulder.
A common scenario in that group was the free-for-all. Usually someone
would say, "Ugly figs first?" which would enjoin a chorus of "Ugly Figs
First!" and we'd all jump on that guy and anyone else we thought was
putting in enough effort.