praises for Jon & GZG
From: MJMmaillst@a...
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:00:46 EDT
Subject: praises for Jon & GZG
Hi All,
In the interest of giving credit where it is due I'd like to
a wonderful act on my behalf by GZG. I'm over in Edinburgh on business
I'll only be here till Saturday the 19th. I put together an order over
weekend (don't ask me why I didn't do it beforehand that's a long story)
emailed it down to Jon. I expected to be told they would not be able to
it to me by Friday but I thought I try anyway. I would not have been
with that response, a fairly large shipment packed and shipped within a
working week can be a tall order when you're a small company like GZG. I
figured I'd see if I could work something out with someone over here to
accept shipment and bring it with them on their next trip across the
pond. As
with most of you I have far more minis than I'll ever paint so waiting
August or September would not have been a hardship but I wanted them
NOW. :)
I just got an email from Jon saying that except for the minis
are not yet in production he had picked everything and it would be
to me tomorrow. That made my day. :)
I hope this doesn't get Jon in trouble by raising expectations
companies get dumped on when something goes wrong I wanted to applaud
for such good service. Thanks Jon and GZG.
Mike J. Murtha