Re: Starmap Generators (Was : Hard SF Roleplaying)
From: Michael Sarno <atomicat@g...>
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 07:59:06 -0400
Subject: Re: Starmap Generators (Was : Hard SF Roleplaying)
"Christopher E. Ronnfeldt" wrote:
> djwj wrote:
> >
> > With all the GURPS players out there I am wondering if someone knows
if or
> > where there is a star map generator, preferably with the GURPS Space
> > but I'd like to look at anything that might be out there.
> There is a GURPS Space starmap generator. If you go to the Steve
> Games website and hunt around you will find a link to 3rd party
> for GURPS - it is in there (or it was 6 months ago when I found it).
While you're at the SJGames site, you might also want to consider
GURPSnet, the GURPS e-mail discussion list. They will certainly be able
to better
help you with all of your GURPS-related questions and requests.
Michael Sarno
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