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Re: Dirside II Mac Editor

From: "Kevin Walker" <sage@m...>
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 21:24:20 -0500
Subject: Re: Dirside II Mac Editor

>> I believe there was a Dirtside II editor for the Macintosh floating
>> somewhere...  I'm just wondering if anyone has it.  Please email me
>> privately about this.
>> Thanks.
> I haven't seen a DSII editor, perhaps you're thinking of Ed Allen's FT
> Hypercard stack ?

Actually I wrote one last year in concert with an effort KR was
The Mac version is finished and went through a month of offsite testing.
can provide it free of charge however all the respective parties retain
their rights - Jon for the game system, myself for the code.

If you're interested in a copy I can place it in a Stuffit file and send
to you (tell me if you want the PPC version or 68K version).  You'll

Currently it stores each vehicle as a separate text file and prints the
vehicle out in a format similar to that in the back of the DSII book. 
only provides the basic vehicle costs - it doesn't cost out infantry in
APC, rounds for artillery.

It needs a half meg of HD space in it's unpacked form.	Currently I'm
revising it (only in the beginning stages due to flooded basement, new
loss of beloved pet, etc.) to store multiple vehicles in a library,
TO&E costing, coding it up for the Win32 platform, and eventually to
provide further export possibilities.

Kevin Walker

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