Re: [FT] Playing with Big Ship Models
From: Tony Francis <tony@g...>
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 15:33:20 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] Playing with Big Ship Models
> Just to make you guys and gals jealous I've played in a several games
> this and helped run a couple as well.
> We hired a school sports hall and played in the Trek universe as there
> lots of easily available kits, with a grossly simplified version of
the SFB rules.
> The ships crew (up to 3 players per ship), had to move different
> power counters (painted pennies) around an SSD each turn to power
> drive, shields and weapons. Jim Wallman, who invented the system, ran
> several Megagames, in Final Frontier 3, we had nearly 50 ships+
> over 150 people playing all day. 5 or 6 linked scenarios.
> Running FT rules is a fascinating idea......
> Try going here
> This should link to Jim's game stuff, I don't know if the Final
Frontier stuff is
> still on his site, but you can email him and ask.
I vaguely remember the South London Warlords club here in the UK running
some similar
Star Trek games. They modified the power counters idea by using Lego
bricks instead,
and having a time limit for reallocating power. As ships became more
damaged, the
'crew' simulated the increased difficulty of controlling the ship by
donning ski
gloves, motorcycles helmets, face masks and other cumbersome clothing to
hinder their
movements (imagine trying to manipulate half-inch square Lego bricks
wearing oven
gloves !).