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RE: DSII and SGII turn length (FT notes)

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 21:31:01 +1000
Subject: RE: DSII and SGII turn length (FT notes)

Well, I'm getting a little lost in the argument here.

Most games of SGII we play last around 12 turns or so; approx 1 hour of
'real time'. For the terrain represented on a 6'x4' board (720mx480m)
has about the right feel for a platoon/sub-company level action. Given
time it takes from first contact, platoon commanders recon and quick
position fire support, move to assault position, conduct the assualt and
re-org on/off the objective the game length seems to work out about

Consider a SG squad that doesn't move for two turns. There is still
going on in 'real time'; section 2IC checking the SAWs spare ammo,
controlled stores check (still got that Starlight Joey?), sect comd
giving a
quick brief or repositioning a fireteam, a quick navigation check, radio
checks and of course fireteams scanning/marking their arcs and checking
the next patch of ground that they will likely be moving over. Gee
that's a
lot of things going on that we don't see at the 'god level' at the table

Quite honestly, the SG time length seems quite reasonable.

My 2cents worth,

Owen G

> -----Original Message-----
> From: djwj []
> Subject: Re: DSII and SGII turn length (FT notes)


>On table: if your forces aren't 
> scouting, or
> moving "in game", then there is no scouting or moving going 
> on. And tell
> "general inactivity" to a recon infantry platoon in mid scouting run,
> ducking under MBT crossfire. Under fire markes alone have 
> given my SGII
> forces reasonable "general inactivity" for their missions, which are
> typically "fast" strike and reconnisance objectives. Any more 
> abstracted
> waiting and they would take far too long to accomplish their 
> mission goals
> to be useful to a larger force.

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