Re: [FT] Sensor range question (and Evasion)
From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 09:39:43 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Sensor range question (and Evasion)
Various Listers opined:
>> Apropos which, has anyone thought of using extra thrust to "evade"?
>> Therefore, I propose that one thruster point may be applied to
the effective range for
>> energy beam (and similar weapons, PTs, needles, etc) by 3".
>> Maybe instead of +3", make it +10% of actual range? Suggestions?
>that's a bit too complicated. why not +1 mu at 0-12, +2 mu at 12-24, +3
>24-36, etc? that range refers to the real, physical range.
My take is that an evasive maneuver is both more contingent and more
Evasive Maneuvers - Reaction to fire. Can be declared by a target ship
an attacking ship declares weapon fire against target ship, or on
of a ship that is being attacked by one or more fighter groups. Evading
must leave one half its original thrust unused in the movement phase.
EM is executed, evading ship turns one point port or starboard
declared when EM is declared), and its engines take threshold check at
current threshold level. Incoming beam/torp fire (including from
gets -1 mod (Natural 6 on a beam does 1 point but still gets a reroll).
Incoming Salvo missiles are reduced by 1d6/2 (round down). If Evading
weapons have not fired yet, its weapons receive the same modifiers.
modifier is good only against the 1 ship or groups of fighters being
evaded. A ship with no allocated thrust may EM twice.
EM can be declared if a ship is not trying to evade fire when the ship
activated. An initialtive roll determines whether EM takes place before
after the ship fires.
The real reason I made it up this way is so that I could shout "Evasive
Starboard!" at the game table and have it mean something.
As for sensor ranges, I wish there was something a little more
I like Schoon's system from a while back, but still would like something
simpler - probably something that didn't require die rolls.
Maybe something like this:
Simple Simon Sensors
There should be a difference between sensor traces and more detailed
so I like the Fultons' extreme ranges (basic info out to 600-700"). This
would get you rough numbers of ships (+/- some percentage) and a
of total mass (+/- some percentage).
In combat:
Range bands
1) 0-12: Players must show SSD's to each other whenever asked.
2) 12-36: Players can see opponents SSD's when those ships fire or are
fired upon.
Threshold level of all ships in range is known.
A ship may scan one opposing ship for each firecon it has -
see the SSD
3) 36-72: Ship mass/silhouette is known.
Crippled/Uncrippled status of all ships in range is known
(crippled = ship is on last damage row).
A Ship may scan one opposing ship for each 2 Firecons it has.
(Ships with one firecon roll a die - 1-3=fail, 4-6=success)
- Ships with weapons that can fire to 48" exapand range bands 2 and 3 by
12". Same pattern with longer range weapons.
- Enhanced sensors increase all bands by 50%. Special sensors double all
- ECM reduces all bands by 1/3, or some such.
- Fighters rely mainly on allied ship sensors, but their own can operate
with range bands 1/3 that of ships.
I'm looking for ways add the richness of the sensor system to FT without
new round of die rolls or a bunch of rule-figuring.