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Re: [OT] BFG Questions ?

From: Phillip Atcliffe <Phillip.Atcliffe@u...>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 10:32:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [OT] BFG Questions ?

On Fri, 26 Mar 1999 17:52:51 +0000 (GMT) Thomas Anderson 
<> wrote:

> On Thu, 25 Mar 1999 CLL@LGC.CO.UK wrote:
>> I've got the Battlefleet Gothic Rulebook in front of me, anyone got 
anything they want to know ?
> yah! what i've been wondering is this: are there any features which 
BFG has but which FT/MT/FB doesn't? i suppose i really mean features 
which aren't totally GW-specific. [Snip] otoh, sensor rules for 
fighters are something we lack at the moment. <

How about rules for gravity wells? The BFG stuff in the latest WD, 
including a replay, seems to indicate that slingshot manoeuvres are not 
only possible but important. And, unless my memory is totally shot 
(quite possible; it's exam-writing time and my brain is frazzled), I 
don't remember FT including that sort of thing -- orbits, yes, but not 
slingshots and the like (if it's been there all the time and I've 
forgotten it, sorry, Jon).

An observation: the map/table for the BFG replay has a fair amount of 
"terrain" on it -- an asteroid field, two gas clouds (or something 
similar) and a planet and its moon. Crowded, huh?

"If you let a smile be your umbrella... you'll get wet teeth!"
   -- a forgotten comedian, quoted by me: Phil Atcliffe

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