Re: UK shows (was: Re: Events and IRC.)
From: "Kevin Walker" <sage@m...>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 00:54:11 -0600
Subject: Re: UK shows (was: Re: Events and IRC.)
>OK, here you go: UK shows booked for GZG tradestand as of March 99:
[snipped a semi-long list of UK conventions]
You know Jon they say it's possible to have too much of a good thing.
bet I'd get tired of going to this many cons... Oh... that's right...
you're doing this as a business. ;-)
The only question that remains is do you ever get a chance to game
these events. I mean besides meeting cool con guests (like Claudia of
GenCon fame) doesn't it get a bit old. Of course I'm just ribbing you a
BTW, due to my recent unplanned and extended vacation I'm taking the DS2
Vehicle Designer application and expanding it, making it cross-platform
the Win32 environment at the same time (just don't shoot me for that
please). ;-)
To everyone, have a great weekend.