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Re: FT: FB2 Preview - Obi Wan Tuffley

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 23:09:33 +0000
Subject: Re: FT: FB2 Preview - Obi Wan Tuffley

>Fleet Book 2
>Bugs Don't Surf
>I don't mind what snippets we get, as long as we get 'em ;]
>Before the Fleet Book was released, JT was kind enough to post
>stuff like the essay/article on Jump preparation that appears in the
back of
>If a) he's similarly disposed to do the same for either publication
>   b) he's done it yet
>   c) we get new backgound fluff to pad out the Tuffleyverse
>I'll be happy.  Especially the fiction which often accompanies the

The reason you got the FB1 taster stuff was mainly that the essays and
background bits had been written quite a long while back, before the
writing of the book was even started. For FB2 we're doing everything
basically from scratch (with some adaptations from MT), but I might put
few little bits up here and there as they are ready......

Jon (GZG)

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