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Re: [Con-Quotes] GZG-ECC II Quote Board Entries

From: Jerry Han <jhan@c...>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 18:10:01 -0500
Subject: Re: [Con-Quotes] GZG-ECC II Quote Board Entries

What do you mean 'Vorchans aren't atmosphere-capable'? wrote:
>    "No the Hyperions aren't a problem - we just blew up B5!" (Hyperion
>    captain after taking a small shot at B5 and watching B5 blow ALL
>    catastrophic failure rolls during the EFSB 'Severed Dreams' game)

WHAT!?	They actually got B5?  Where did the Minbari go?

(I had to leave the scen early to get home, so I didn't get to see the
end.  Somebody who was there please tell me what the hell happened. 8-))


/ Jerry Han -  CANOE Canada - - \
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	   "In this beautiful life, there's always some sorrow..."

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