Re: [FT] More Thrust Cover
From: "What do you mean 'Vorchans aren't atmosphere-capable'?" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 21:08:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [FT] More Thrust Cover
>>On a semi-related note, has anyone come up with a Sa'Vasku paint
>>that they'd like to share? I've got a whole bunch of them now, and
I'm not
>>sure how to approach them. I'm going to grab some books about insects
>>crustaceans from work tomorrow, and see if I can find any inspiration
>>there, but it's always good to hear suggestions from others.
>So far we've painted up to Sa'Vasku "fleets".
>First one (painted by Derek):
>This looks good (very organic), but takes a while.
Aye yi yi, you guys are incredible. Me, I took the simplistic approach:
base coat grey, then painted over with metallic black. Very simple and
easy,. :-}
All that is gold does not glitter,
all those who wander are not lost.