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Stealth Re: [FT] Fleet design (Was Re: Alarishi Home Page)

From: devans@u...
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 13:30:03 -0600
Subject: Stealth Re: [FT] Fleet design (Was Re: Alarishi Home Page)

For NI, a purely canon fleet would also dictate a doctrine change
from long range sniping to close-in armored knife fighting, mainly
because that's what I'd rather do if I didn't have stealth ships to
play with.

I haven't been following the stealth discussion; I figured the ideas
were pretty
much covered
under 'cloak'. However, I'm a little confused. Firing doesn't  negate

I always assumed that firing would light you up, and would make you a
target. Rather than
sniping and constantly negating your stealth, wouldn't you use stealth
approach to allow
short range/powerful weopens a chance to devastate?

Now, if you wanted to invent 'sleeper missles' that could be dropped
until the ship
had a chance to move off...


Prev: Re: [list] gzglweb was Re: [FT]Star Trek: TOS Next: Re: [FT] Fleet design (Was Re: Alarishi Home Page)