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Vulnerability of Ogres was: [DSII] Genre

From: Chen-Song Qin <cqin@e...>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 14:17:37 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Vulnerability of Ogres was: [DSII] Genre

On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Brian Burger wrote:

> Be warned that DS2 is not kind to supertanks - an Ogre is dangerous,
> it's also a damned big target. Literally almost impossible to miss, so
> just whale away at the damn thing until you get the right handful of
> chits or a BOOM. Or get MDCs or DFFGs into their Close range band. The
> Ogre might be killing three or four of your vehicles per turn, but
> battalion is throwing so much firepower downrange at the Ogre that it
> going to die. We ran an armour battalion vs one MkV w/ a light
> company in support, and the Ogre's side was wiped out...

I'm not sure, since I've never played with Ogres or other supertanks. 
from the rules, doesn't it seem that they are very vulnerable to
artillery?  Anyone whose played with them care to comment?


Even the engineers are not *this* depraved.  This must be the work of
Med. students.

						- A friend of mine


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